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Eine Familie an den Windtürmen am Naturkräftpfad in der Silvretta Montafon. | © Familie am Wandern im Herbst - Silvretta Montafon Eine Familie an den Windtürmen am Naturkräftpfad in der Silvretta Montafon. | © Familie am Wandern im Herbst - Silvretta Montafon
Opportunities for fun & play

Adventure Worlds in Silvretta Montafon

Experience unforgettable adventures at Silvretta Montafon’s Adventure Worlds, boasting a perfect blend of sports, varied fun and education for visitors of all ages!

Excursion destinations for families in Silvretta Montafon

From a tricky motor skills course to fascinating trails for young explorers: Every day on holiday is guaranteed to be a highlight at Nova Alpine World and on Hochjoch Adventure Mountain. Create lasting memories at the Adventure Worlds as you discover, learn and play together against the backdrop of the impressive Montafon peaks!

For alpine fans and explorers

Prove your skills – on Hochjoch Adventure Mountain

Young alpinists can embark on an adventure on Hochjoch Adventure Mountain, exploring exciting stations like the motor skills playground and slackline park – a playful introduction to mountain sports. For those aged 12 and over, a thrilling descent with the gravity carts awaits! And the lake biotope offers cooling and fun experiments.

An immersive experience

Discover Montafon traditions at Nova Alpine World

What does traditional farming involve? What does the typical Montafon alpine cheese taste like? And what plants grow at 2,000 metres above sea level? Nova Alpine World gives kids exciting insights into Vorarlberg’s nature and cultural heritage through fun activities like milking cows, cheese sudoku and more. There are also several unique marble runs to play with.

Alpine dreams

Get your tickets for adventures in the Montafon mountains!

Eine Kabinenbahn fährt im Sommer zur Bergstation, wo sich ein Bergrestaurant mit großer Sonnenterrasse befindet. | © Silvretta Montafon - Stefan Kothner
Eine Familie wandert im Herbst in der Silvretta Montafon. | © Silvretta Montafon - Vanessa Strauch
Explore the mountains in a playful manner

Hiking fun for the whole family

In Silvretta Montafon, entertaining family hikes along picturesque routes full of exciting stories are waiting for you. The pushchair-friendly hiking routes lead along educational themed trails and are fun for the whole family!

Plan your family holiday in Silvretta Montafon!