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Die Hochalpila Bahn in der Silvretta Montafon im Sommer mit den Bergen im Hintergrund. | © Silvretta Montafon - Marcel Mehrling Die Hochalpila Bahn in der Silvretta Montafon im Sommer mit den Bergen im Hintergrund. | © Silvretta Montafon - Marcel Mehrling
What are the operating hours of cable cars & lifts?

Opening times of the Silvretta Montafon mountain cableways

The Silvretta Montafon region offers unforgettable experiences in a majestic mountain world year-round. To help you make the most of your time in the mountains, here’s an overview of when the cable cars and lifts in Silvretta Montafon are in operation.

Sommer 2024

Season times in Silvretta Montafon

Hochjoch cable car 7 JUN to 20 OCT – continuous operation
26 and 27 OCT – weekend operation*

Trailpark Hochjoch

from 15. JUN
Zamang cable car 06 JUL to 08 SEP – continuous operation
Sennigrat lift 22 JUN to 06 OCT – continuous operation
Grasjoch & Hochalpila cable car 6 JUL to 22 SEP – continuous operation
26 to 29 SEP – weekend operation*
3 to 6 OCT – weekend operation*
Valisera cable car & Nova cable car 6 JUL to 08. SEP – Friday to Monday
15. AUG inclusive Thursday
Garfrescha Bahn 29 JUNto 6 OCT – continuous operation
Versettla Bahn 14 JUN to 13 OCT – continuous operation
*except in bad weather
Summer 2024

Operating hours

Cable Car First ascent Last ascent Last descent
Hochjoch Bahn 08.30 17.00  17.00 
Zamang Bahn 08.30  16.15  17.00 
Sennigrat Bahn

Lunch break: 11.45-13.00

08.45 16.30 16.30
Grasjoch Bahn 08.30 16.15 17.00
Hochalpila Bahn 08.30 16.30 16.30
Valisera Bahn 08.30 16.15 17.00
Garfrescha Bahn 08.30 17.00 17.00
Versettla Bahn 08.30 16.30 17.00
Nova Bahn 10.00 16.30

The operating times may change at any time. Please check this page or the SIMO app regularly!

Winter 2024/25

Winter season times

Winter season 2023/24 from 29 NOV 2024 to 20 APR 2025.
Weekend operation depending on snow conditions from mid-November.

Gebiet Saisonbetrieb
Zamang Bahn 29 NOV 2024 to 20 April 2025* | before WE operation FR-SO*
Grasjoch Bahn 14 DEC 2024 to 20 APR 2025 | before WE operation SA-SO*
Valisera Bahn 30 NOV 2024 to 20 APR 2025 | before WE operation SA-SO*
Versettla Bahn 05 DEC 2024 to 20 APR 2025
Hochjoch Bahn 21 DEC 2024 to 30 MAR 2025
Kapell Bahn 25 DEC 2024 to 30 MAR 2025
Garfrescha Bahn Announcement by the end of September at the latest
*depending on snow conditions from mid-November
Alpine dreams

Get your tickets for adventures in the Montafon mountains!

Zwei Biker fahren in einer Kurve durch den Bikepark am Hochjoch in der Silvretta Montafon. | © Silvretta Montafon - Vanessa Strauch

Plan your holiday in Silvretta Montafon!