General terms and conditions
- These General Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) apply between the Contracting Partner and the purchaser (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer") of a ticket with the name "WildPass" (season ticket, annual pass, multi-day ticket, sun subscription, etc.), with the name "Ländle Card" or "Kristberg Montafon", or a ticket that exclusively entitles the purchaser to use the facilities of one cable car operator (e.g., day tickets, single trips) (hereinafter referred to as the "Ticket"). A Ticket entitles the Customer to use the cableways and lift facilities, pistes, routes, and paths (hereinafter referred to as the "Facilities") of the Contracting Partner to the extent specified in the pricing provisions that apply to the Ticket in question (see the Contracting Partners' websites). In the event of a dispute, the Contracting Partner is obliged to demonstrate that these T&Cs and the pricing provisions have been made accessible and have been validly incorporated into the contractual relationship.
- Framework contract – representative of other cable car operators
- The cable car operators that have come together in the ticket network "WildPass" (Silvretta Montafon, Golm Silvretta Lünersee Tourismus, Gargellner Bergbahnen, Kristberg, Brandnertal, etc.) and in other ticket networks, such as "Ländle Card" or "Kristberg Montafon", and their partner companies, irrespective of their legal form (hereinafter referred to as the "Cable Car Operators"), will operate their Facilities under their own responsibility and legally independently. Upon purchase of such a Ticket, a framework contract is concluded and the Cable Car Operator in question acts as representative on behalf of those other Cable Car Operators or, in the case of Tickets with the name "WildPass", on behalf of Bergbahnpool Montafon Brandnertal OG.
- The specific transport contract (individual contract) comes into effect when the Customer uses the Ticket at the respective access systems, albeit only with the respective Cable Car Operator whose Facilities the Customer is using at that time. Any possible liability resulting from the transport contract (individual contract) vis-à-vis the Customer or on the basis of other contractual or statutory provisions, for incidents arising from or during the operation and use of the cableways and lift facilities as well as ski slopes and ski routes, will therefore affect only that cableway and lift company in whose region the incident occurs. The other Cable Car Operators from other ticket networks ("WildPass" or "Ländle Card") or Bergbahnpool Montafon Brandnertal OG will bear no liability. In particular, no liability will arise from the framework contract. Bergbahnpool Montafon Brandnertal OG does not provide any transport services.
- When purchasing tickets that exclusively entitle the purchaser to use the Facilities of one Cable Car Operator (e.g., day tickets, single trips), the transport contract comes into effect with this Cable Car Operator only.
- If Tickets are purchased from third parties (third parties are external points of sale, such as Montafon Tourismus and other points of sale, in particular Stand Montafon, sports companies, hotels, tourism offices, etc.), those third parties are acting, depending on the Ticket, as representatives to conclude the framework contract or as representatives of the respective Cable Car Operator to conclude the individual transport contract.
- The transport contract is agreed only for use of the respective open areas (cableways, pistes, ski routes, etc.) during the published operating hours. Contractual claims against the Cable Car Operator therefore only exist for the duration of the respective published operating hours (for the ski area visited by the customer) and only for the open areas.
- A valid Ticket must be purchased in order to use the services provided by the Cable Car Operators. This ticket allows use of the respective open areas (cableways, pistes, ski routes, etc.).
- By purchasing a winter season ticket, the Customer has the option to use at least 60% of the cableways on at least 70 days during the winter season.
- By purchasing a summer season ticket, the Customer has the option to use at least 60% of the cableways on at least 70 days during the summer season.
- By purchasing an annual pass, the Customer has the option to use at least 60% of the cableways on at least 70 days during the winter season and at least 70 days during the summer season.
- The prices provided at the time of purchase are valid for the purchase of the Ticket.
- The operating and opening times of the Facilities operated by the Cable Car Operators are published in the notice at the cash desk. Customers must plan their trips in such a way that they are able to return to the valley or their starting point in good time before the end of operating hours
- Express reference is made to the fact that, after operating hours, maintenance work is carried out (use of snow groomers, cable winches, etc.), that there may therefore be obstacles (cables, ropes, hoses, etc.) in the area of the pistes or ski routes and that this may pose great danger.
- As is generally known and as is and has been standard practice across the entire Alps area since the beginning of commercial winter sports, it is not possible to have all Facilities/pistes of all Cable Car Operators open at all times. This is to protect the safety of Customers against Alpine dangers, for example. It is generally known that these kinds of restrictions can re-occur every year, whereby an extensive range of services is still provided nonetheless.
- Der Kunde nimmt zur Kenntnis, dass es seine Pflicht ist, die FIS-Regeln einzuhalten und sich rücksichtsvoll gegenüber anderen Kunden und den Mitarbeitern der Bergbahnen zu verhalten, insbesondere die körperliche Sicherheit anderer Personen nicht zu gefährden.
- Ebenso hat der Kunde den Anordnungen der Mitarbeiter der Bergbahnen Folge zu leisten, da diese der Sicherheit der Kunden und der Ordnung des Seilbahnbetriebs dienen.
- Über entsprechende Aufforderung der Mitarbeiter der Bergbahnen sind das Ticket und allfällige Nachweise für eine Ermäßigung vorzuzeigen, damit überprüft werden kann, ob Leistungen zu Recht in Anspruch genommen werden. Bei Verweigerung dieser Verpflichtung wird das Ticket gesperrt und wird die Beförderung verweigert.
- Der Kunde wird darauf hingewiesen, dass Pistenwächter nach den Bestimmungen des Vorarlberger Sportgesetzes berechtigt sind, einem Wintersportler die (weitere) Benützung der Anlagen der Bergbahnen für 24 Stunden zu untersagen, wenn dieser die im Gesetz genannten Verstöße begeht bzw. trotz Abmahnung fortsetzt. Dabei sind die Pistenwächter auch befugt, dem Wintersportler den Skipass oder das Sportgerät abzunehmen. In einem solchen Fall besteht keine Berechtigung des Kunden auf eine (anteilige) Rückerstattung der Kosten des Skipasses.
- Absperrungen, Markierungen und Anordnungen der Mitarbeiter der Bergbahn dienen der Sicherheit und Ordnung des Betriebes (zB vor Lawinengefahr, Schutz von Waldbereichen, etc.) sowie der Sicherheit anderen Kunden und sind daher in jedem Fall zu beachten.
- Eine vertragswidrige und missbräuchliche Verwendung eines Tickets (zB Inanspruchnahme von Leistung ohne gültiges Ticket, Missachtung der für einen sicheren Betrieb notwendigen Anordnungen, rücksichtloses oder gefährliches Verhalten trotz Abmahnung, Nutzung eines ermäßigten Tickets ohne Erfüllung der Voraussetzungen, Übertragung des Tickets an Dritte zur Nutzung durch diese, etc.) führt zu dessen Entzug. Dabei allenfalls verbleibenden Tage der Gültigkeitsdauer des Tickets werden nicht (anteilig) rückvergütet, ersetzt oder gutgeschrieben. Weiteres hat der Kunde, der ein Ticket vertragswidrig oder missbräuchlich verwendet (siehe oben) zur Abgeltung der bezogenen Leistungen eine Tageskarte des Bergbahnunternehmens, in dessen Gebiet er angetroffen wird, zu erwerben. Bei einer missbräuchlichen Verwendung bleibt – sofern die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen gegeben sind – die Erstattung einer Anzeige vorbehalten.
The Customer acknowledges that it is their duty to adhere to the FIS Rules and to act considerately towards other Customers and the Cable Car Operators' employees, and, in particular, not to endanger the physical safety of other people.
The Customer must also follow the instructions of the Cable Car Operators' employees, as they are intended to ensure that Customers remain safe and that the cableway operates properly.
Upon request from the Cable Car Operators' employees, the Ticket and any proof of discount must be provided so that a check can be carried out to ensure that services are being used in the right way. In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, the Ticket can be disabled and transport refused.
The Customer is advised that piste attendants are authorized in accordance with the provisions of the Vorarlberg sporting code to ban a winter sportsperson from (further) use of the Cable Car Operators' Facilities for 24 hours if they commit an offense listed in the code or continue to do so despite a warning. The piste attendants are also authorized to take a ski pass or sports equipment off the winter sportsperson. In a case like this, the Customer has no entitlement to (partial) reimbursement of the costs of the ski pass.
Blocks, markings, and instructions from the Cable Car Operator's employees serve to ensure the safety and proper operation (to protect against the danger of avalanches, to protect wooded areas, etc.) as well as the safety of other Customers, and must always be observed.
Misuse of a ticket contrary to contract (use of services without a valid Ticket, disregard of the instructions required for safe operation, reckless or dangerous behavior despite warning, use of a discounted Ticket without meeting the requirements, transfer of the Ticket to third parties for use by these third parties, etc.) will result in its revocation. Any days remaining in the validity period for the Ticket shall not be (partially) reimbursed, replaced, or credited. In the event of misuse, the right to file a complaint remains reserved—provided the legal requirements have been met.
Tickets are issued to a contactless data carrier (not a deposit card).
Upon purchase, the first name and surname, and date of birth are recorded, and a photo is taken by a digital camera.
This data carrier must not be transferred to third parties for use by them.
In the event that the Customer suffers a severe injury or illness (which makes further practice of the winter sport impossible), a partial refund of the costs of a Ticket will be provided by the Cable Car Operator selling the Ticket.
The injured/ill Customer must provide a medical certificate to this end (confirming that they will not be able to practice any more winter sport for the remaining validity period) and the Ticket must be returned to the Cable Car Operator selling it.
The costs will then be refunded proportionately from the most recent day on which the Ticket could no longer be used due to injury or illness, minus a processing fee of EUR 7.50. If the medical certificate is provided at a fixed cash desk, a cash refund will be provided; if it is sent in by email or post, the refund will always be provided in the form of a voucher.
It is not possible to provide a (partial) refund to companions/family members of an injured/ill Customer.
If a Ticket or sports equipment is removed from the Customer by a piste attendant (see above), there is no claim to a (partial) refund of the costs of the Ticket.
Refunds are not provided for one- and two-day passes in the event of severe injury or illness.
The Customer is solely responsible for adhering to the protective health measures (e.g., to contain a pandemic) that may be prescribed by the authorities for Customers of a ski resort.
If the Customer is not able to or does not want to adhere to the protective health measures prescribed by the authorities (proof of vaccination or a test, wearing a mask, social distancing rules, etc.), transport cannot be provided.
In this case, the Customer has no entitlement to (partial) reimbursement of the costs of their Ticket.
The Contracting Partners are responsible for processing Customers' personal data within the meaning of the GDPR.
Customers' data will only be processed in compliance with the international and national data protection regulations.
Customers can find our full data protection policy under Data protection policy.
General Terms and Conditions for Operator-Specific Tickets of the SiMo Group
für Eigenkarten der SiMo-Gruppe
Silvretta Montafon Bergbahnen GmbH, (hereinafter referred to as: “Cable Car Operators”) also offer ski passes and tickets for the use of their own facilities only (hereinafter referred to as: “operator-specific tickets”) in addition to the joint ski passes and tickets referred to above.
The services that can be used with an operator-specific ticket are detailed in the web shop on the Cable Car Operators’ website.
A valid operator-specific ticket must be purchased in order to use these services. This ticket allows use of the respective open areas (cableways, pistes, ski routes, etc.) of the Cable Car Operators during the published operating hours.
By purchasing such a ticket, the customer agrees to the application of these General Terms and Conditions of the Cable Car Operators, which are agreed between the Cable Car Operators and the customer as part of the contractual relationship, to their specific services.
If tickets for third-party services—which are to be provided by these third parties—are purchased via the Cable Car Operators, the Cable Car Operators act only as a representative for said third parties and these sales will not be made on behalf of the Cable Car Operators.
In the case of paragliding flights, sufficient distance must always be maintained from the cableways and pistes. Such flights are always carried out at the customer’s own risk. The Cable Car Operators do not provide any facilities, areas, etc., for use by paragliders.
Furthermore, the (above) General Terms and Conditions of Partner Companies of the Cable Car Operators Pool Montafon Brandnertal OG also apply to operator-specific tickets, with the exception of Nos. 1.a) to 1.d) of the General Terms and Conditions of Partner Companies of the Cable Car Operators Pool Montafon Brandnertal OG.
As a supplement to No. 8.d) of the General Terms and Conditions of Partner Companies of the Cable Car Operators Pool Montafon Brandnertal OG, it is agreed that the piste rescue service may be used free of charge if the customer has a piste rescue service ticket—available for the customer to purchase for EUR 16.00. If the customer does not have a piste rescue service ticket, the customer will be charged the flat-rate amount according to the relevant notice at the cash desk, but at least EUR 210.00 in any case. Any obligations on the part of the customer to reimburse third-party rescue costs (e.g., helicopter rescue, mountain rescue) remain unaffected by this.
Issued: July 2024