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Culinary spring

Nova Stoba

at the Nova Stoba

Grüner Spargel auf einem weißen Teller mit Sesam besprinkelt | © Silvretta Montafon - iStock

Spring fever

The king of vegetables, stalks of spring air and edible ivory – the number of comparisons reflects the deep fascination that asparagus invokes in connoisseurs from all four corners of the globe.

Did you know, for example, that asparagus grows above ground? That, as well as green and white varieties, there is also purple asparagus? That asparagus is 93% water? Or that plants from the asparagus family are also used to create shade in some parks?

At the end of the season, Nova Stoba will present asparagus in all of its culinary diversity, showcasing all that this vegetable has to offer.

The place to be


Bergstation Versettla Bahn
6793 Gaschurn
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